Thursday, November 24, 2022

 DACA: Delinquent Aliens, Criminal Aliens

Many violent alien youths qualify for DACA, many face few consequences

Executive Summary

Juveniles commit a large number of serious offenses. In 2020, there were 1,353 known juvenile homicide offenders. In 2019, juveniles constituted 21 percent of all arrests for robbery, 20 percent for arson, 17 percent for car theft, 12 percent for burglary, 10 percent for larceny-theft and weapons offenses, eight percent for murder, and seven percent for aggravated assault. In 2012, the last year for which data is available, juveniles accounted for 14 percent of all arrests for forcible rape.

Despite the successful framing of DREAMers and DACA recipients as young people with no criminal records, it turns out that many were affiliated with gangs and many had arrest records when granted DACA benefits, and many others saw their DACA status terminated because of criminal activity. As USCIS has admitted, “[t]he truth is that we let those with criminal arrests for sexually assaulting a minor, kidnapping, human trafficking, child pornography, or even murder be provided protection from removal.”

Juvenile perpetrators are much more likely to be processed through a juvenile justice system than a criminal court. The Los Angeles County District Attorney made the decision (still largely in effect) to not send any juveniles to criminal court, no matter the gravity of their crimes.

Most juveniles adjudicated delinquent in juvenile court are not placed into any sort of out-of-home detention, including for such offenses as aggravated assault and robbery.

Congress has determined that all aliens (regardless of their immigration status) are subject to removal upon conviction for a wide range of crimes. Congress has also determined that aliens are subject to mandatory detention and are ineligible for a wide range of immigration benefits and relief upon conviction for a wide range of crimes.

However, aliens who are “adjudicated delinquent” in a juvenile court after having committed such offenses as minors are not subject to removal on this basis, or to mandatory detention or loss of eligibility for immigration benefits or relief on this basis.

Regardless of one’s views as to the “deservingness” as a general matter of illegal aliens brought to the U.S. as minors by their parents, brought to the U.S. by smugglers paid for by their parents, or who simply came to the U.S. on their own accord, those who are criminals (whether convicted in criminal court or adjudicated delinquent in juvenile court) should surely face immigration consequences. The lasting devastation to the lives of crime victims and their families is not wiped away simply because a perpetrator is a minor, even if that minor was “brought to the U.S. through no fault of their own.”

When a juvenile perpetrator is an alien, especially one not lawfully present, the consequences should not only entail “rehabilitation and treatment” through a federal or state juvenile court system, but also extend to the immigration realm. Congress should bar juveniles adjudicated delinquent from eligibility for any immigration benefit or relief, especially relief designed for those who arrived in the U.S. while minors. Congress should also give serious consideration to establishing a detention mandate and a ground of deportability for all aliens who have been adjudicated delinquent for the type of offense that would trigger mandatory detention or a ground of deportability had it resulted in a criminal conviction.




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