Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Biden’s Border Crisis Hits Chicago Hard, by Invitation

CHICAGO—“Right-wing extremism” in America has targeted cities run by Democrats such as himself, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said last week.

“And quite frankly,” Johnson added Tuesday, conservative extremists “have been quite intentional about going after Democratically ran [sic] cities that are led by people of color.”

Johnson’s claim is absurd on its face, but to address it we’d like to share the findings of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project in an on-the-ground investigation in Chicago of what amounts to an invasion of illegal aliens by invitation

Our main goal was to investigate the local effects in Chicago of the crisis at the nation’s southern border under President Joe Biden.

We didn’t even have to venture outside the airport to spot the issue firsthand, and we didn’t have to continue to look hard to see other effects. In fact, we couldn’t avoid some of these effects between landing and takeoff.

Historic Airport Waypoint for Illegal Aliens

Chicago O’Hare International Airport, a historic transportation hub, has become a makeshift shelter and waypoint for illegal aliens.

Illegal aliens are scattered all over the hallways of O’Hare’s bus terminal, which essentially has been turned into a migration checkpoint for illegal immigrants who arrive there.

Half of the bus terminal was blocked off by black pipe and drape, and makeshift beds were there for migrants.

The nonprofit workers we approached refused to identify which immigration-related organization they work for.

We later found out this was a consistent strategy on the part of the nonprofits and the city of Chicago.  

Two airport engineers who refused to be identified told us that over 600 illegal migrants come through the terminal each day, many with diseases and illnesses, particularly scabies.

Those we saw were predominantly military-age males of varying nationalities. Notably, the airport reeked and was an unsightly scene.

Workers at an airport facility for migrants refused to give us any information about who operates it. They pointed out a notice that included the name and email address of a woman, Mary May, for media inquiries.

This same notice was posted on all the other facilities for illegal aliens that we visited in Chicago.

We witnessed several family units of migrants housed in one prime location. Local residents informed us that it used to be a “destination” location because it was prime real estate.  

‘It’s a Voting Replacement’

We met up with two local leaders—David Lowery Jr., co-pastor of Fernwood Community Outreach Church, and Brian Mullins, co-founder of the Black American Voters Project—for a visit to what used to be the South Shore High School building.

This perfectly functional school was shut down recently, and the city of Chicago is trying to turn it into a “migrant respite center.”  

Lowery and Mullins explained how the illegal immigration crisis on Chicago’s South Side is being used as a way to replace black voters who have left. Lowery said:

That’s why the illegals are so imported, was because they wanted to replace the black community. A lot of blacks are moving out of the state. They’re moving in different areas. And so now you bring these guys in, they’re giving them houses, they’re giving them the money to buy homes and to get cars and all of that, man …

They’re really trying to bust the black community up, so that there is no black stronghold in any major cities anymore. And that’s why they brought them to the black community in the first place.

“It’s a replacement,” Mullins said. “It’s a voting replacement.”

Lowery and Mullins said the school-turned-migrant shelter on the South Side is the site of disputes and fights between the new arrivals and senior citizens who live across the street.

We also visited the Wadsworth campus, a migrant shelter in the Woodlawn neighborhood that used to be a STEM elementary school focused on science, technology, engineering, and math.

“The longer you stay around, if you walk around you see people hanging out there,” Lowery said of the Wadsworth shelter. “They try to do a good job during the daytime, they may be out. But if you come out around 5 or 6 o’clock, it’s just a hangout, a party. They’ve gotten into fights with the seniors in this building right here.”

Lowery and Mullins told us that the elementary school has been used as a long-term shelter to house the influx of illegal immigrants bused to Chicago from Texas by Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, in response to the border crisis created by Biden and his administration.

Wadsworth STEM Elementary was another perfectly functioning school in a historically black neighborhood that officials repurposed as a migrant shelter.  

At a playground for the former elementary school, we spoke with some illegal aliens.

They told us that they are sending money they make back to their home countries. They recounted the dangers they faced when crossing the U.S.-Mexico border into America.

Some said they had been in the shelter for over a year




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