Monday, September 16, 2024

Springfield’s Immigrant Crisis Spreads to Nearby Town, Courtesy of Biden-Harris

Over the past three years, the Biden-Harris administration has imported roughly 20,000 Haitian immigrants in the small Ohio city of Springfield. Now, a nearby community is also suffering the effects of the immigration influx. Tremont City, a village outside Springfield with a population of less than 400, has been impacted by the reckless driving of mass-imported Haitian immigrants.

Tremont City Council president Tony Flood recently told Blaze Media that he and others have urged Springfield to do more to prevent traffic accidents caused by the immigrants. “The city refuses to do that. This is spilling out. They do illegal U-turns all up and down the road. I don’t know how many times I’ve about got hit pulling out of the lot myself,” Flood reported. He explained that immigrants halted for unsafe driving are towed “because you’re not allowed to let an unlicensed driver drive the car, or the village is liable if they get in a wreck.”

Flood’s son, Tony Flood II, the mayor of Tremont City, said that he’s “scared to death” of his wife and daughter being killed by an immigrant while driving in Springfield. “Any day you get in a car, it’s a risk. But now it’s even worse, especially if you head that way,” the younger Flood said. “Honestly, it pisses me off that we’ve allowed it to hit this point.”

Tremont City Police Chief Chad Duncan urged Springfield to begin towing immigrants, as Tremont City does, in order to mitigate the reckless driving. “The accidents we’re having around here can be prevented if everybody would get on the same page, all law enforcement, and start towing these vehicles. I know it seems like we’re singling people out, but we do it the same no matter what race, nationality, creed, doesn’t matter,” Duncan said.

Last year, a Haitian immigrant named Hermanio Joseph, driving on a Mexican driver’s license, crashed into a school bus, injuring 20 children and killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark. Tremont City resident Mark Sanders said that his daughter saw the accident from another school bus and was traumatized by the sight. Ever since then, Sanders has been driving his daughter’s school bus. “There are things that can be prevented. That guy should not have been in the country. He shouldn’t have been driving. He was working for a company, local, that was actually supplied to them,” Sanders said.

Author and podcast host C. Jay Engel noted that McGregor Metal, a Springfield manufacturing company, had been financially failing for years, but restructured and wound up with a $10 million expansion, which is being staffed by Haitian immigrants. “And who do they hire for this new expansion?” Engel asked. “They hire from among the 20,000 Haitians in the recent third-world drop. They completely bypass Ohioans, refuse to invest in them, to uplift their community. They hire from among the invaders.”

In Tuesday night’s presidential debate, former President Donald Trump noted the stories of immigrants in Springfield and the surrounding area stealing and eating locals’ pets and eating ducks and geese from the park. ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis tried to “fact check” Trump, but numerous reports from Springfield residents — including a police report obtained by The Federalist — suggest that immigrants have been taking locals’ cats and dogs and eating them, as well as taking and decapitating ducks and geese in parks and neighborhoods.

After the debate, CNN asked Trump’s running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (R), about the reports. Vance replied, “We’ve heard from a number of constituents on the ground … who, both firsthand and secondhand reports, saying this stuff is happening. So they very clearly, the people on the ground dealing with this, think that it is happening.” The Ohio native continued, “This town has been ravaged by 20,000 migrants coming in. Health care costs are up, housing costs are up, communicable diseases like HIV and TB have skyrocketed in this small Ohio town. This is what Kamala Harris’s border policies have done.” Referring to increasingly popular memes depicting Trump rescuing cats and ducks, Vance added, “The media didn’t care [about] the carnage wrought in these communities until we turned it into a meme about cats.”




Sunday, September 15, 2024

Albanian migrants trying to avoid being kicked out of the UK are told on TikTok to pull their teeth out to get them to an easier-to-escape hospital

Albanian migrants looking to avoid being deported were told to pull their own teeth out in order to be transferred to a more easily-escaped hospital.

Two men held at Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centre near Heathrow having come to the UK illegally were given the advise on a TikTok call with someone who claimed to have escaped the unit in 2018.

The migrants are due to be returned to Albania in accordance with its returns agreement with the UK, allowing Albanian nationals found in the UK illegally to be repatriated.

They were also advised on how to smuggle pliers into the removal centre and which jobs available to detainees would allow the best opportunity to escape.

However, there is no evidence to suggest that the proposed methods would work although the men have seemingly been able to illegally smuggle a mobile phone inside the facility previously.

In a live TikTok exchange seen by The Telegraph, four Albanians understood to be convicted criminals spoke in detail about the layout of Colnbrook and its security measures.

Speaking to those on camera, using a profile with the name 'Xhovani', a man with an account nicknamed 'The Sting' advises his compatriots to pull teeth out in order to be moved to hospital, adding that he escaped in 2018 - though here is no public record of an Albanian escaping the centre that year.

He said that this method would allow the men to 'disappear' past CCTV.

However, it seemed that the two sides of the conversation disagreed on the level of security at Colnbrook, suggesting it may have been made more secure in the last six years.

Colnbrook is one of the Home Office's seven immigration removal centres which hold illegal migrants and foreign criminals before they are deported.




Friday, September 13, 2024

PRM: The Obscure State Department Bureau That Fosters Global Illegal Migration

It is remarkable how many well-informed conservative foreign policy strategists have never even heard of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM).  Even those who closely follow immigration and border issues rarely understand the role PRM plays in accommodating and promoting the worldwide movement of illegal migrants.  

PRM should not be confused with State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs, which is in charge of issuing visas to foreigners to enter the United States and is known in Foggy Bottom as “CA.” Because so many interest groups constantly want more visas to be issued, CA gets its fair share of scrutiny from the media, lobbyists, and members of Congress. The PRM bureau has nothing to do with visas, and so it often flies under the conservative policy radar.

PRM manages, along with DHS, the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program. Under Biden-Harris, PRM currently resettles around 125,000 refugees annually. Trump had cut admissions down to 15,000.

While 125,000 a year is not an insignificant number of admissions—and Biden-Harris want it to massively grow—the figure is still small potatoes compared to the millions of illegal and quasi-legal migrants that this administration has admitted into the country.

Thus, even more consequential than PRM’s refugee admissions is the bureau’s diplomatic support and international grant-giving to the worldwide “irregular” migration industry. PRM doles out around $4 billion annually, mainly to establishment international organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).  

These multilateral organizations, funded by Washington, do more than manage genuine refugees and displaced persons. They are the juggernaut of today’s open-border ideology, taking resources from donor governments to promote concepts that chip away and undermine national borders, while advancing a global “right to migrate.”




Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Small Ohio Town Reels from Biden-Harris Immigrant Dump

Residents of a little city in the Buckeye State may soon have to start hiding their cats and dogs, as the Biden-Harris administration has dropped thousands of Haitian immigrants into the suburbs of small-town USA. Since taking office in 2021, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have imported over 100,000 Haitian immigrants into the U.S. Nearly 20,000 of those Haitians have been settled in Springfield, Ohio over the course of the past three years under Temporary Protected Status, increasing the city’s population of 60,000 by a third, overwhelming municipal services, and causing a spike in traffic accidents and crime.

According to locals, the massive influx of immigrants is crippling Springfield’s municipal and social services. Dr. Millie Chamberlin, a former high school principal, told The Washington Stand, “I think the overwhelming concern is that there was no preparation, no planning, no anything to help the schools or help the citizens adjust and accept this huge wave of people. And so now we have this burgeoning population that started a few years ago when a former mayor agreed to bring in 10,000 Haitians without telling anybody.”

On the first day of school, public school hallways were full of Haitian immigrants seeking to register their children for classes: within the first week of school, over 350 new students were registered. The public school system had to hire dozens of Haitian-Creole interpreters and new teachers to handle English as a second language. Over the past three years, the county school system has reportedly registered at least 1,600 non-English-speaking students, and 20-year-old Haitians are being placed in freshman high school classes with 13-year-olds.

At a Springfield City Commission meeting two weeks ago, residents explained that immigrants are being given preference over U.S. citizens for social services. “I have a 20-year-old granddaughter who works two jobs, pays city tax, a 23-year-old grandson who also pays city tax and federal, state and all the other stuff,” said Lisa Hayes, noting that immigrants are being given better benefits first. “She works two jobs, she’s pregnant, and it took us four months to get Medicaid for that young lady. And she couldn’t get any of her tests done.” It is estimated that 90% of those waiting in line for welfare and social services are Haitian immigrants, who cause hours-long wait times due to the language barrier and the fact that they bring no paperwork with them to collect welfare.

Dr. Yamini Teegala, CEO of the Rocking Horse Community Health Center, a federally-subsidized health center open to all, said that the strain placed on the city by the Biden-Harris administration’s shipment of immigrants is “not sustainable.” She explained that the average 15-minute consultation time has jumped to a new standard of 45 minutes, usually due to the language barrier, and that Rocking Horse Community Health Center has gone from spending $43,000 on translation services four years ago to $436,000 in 2024 alone. Hospital wait times have increased and American taxpayers are forced to fund health services for non-citizens, and often find that those services are so overwhelmed by immigrants that citizens themselves cannot access them.

One longtime Springfield resident explained that his new Haitian neighbors are being given $3,000 a month, in addition to food stamps, for meals and rent, while he himself is only offered $76 monthly in food stamps. Due to the money provided them through government programs, the immigrants are emptying out grocery store shelves and, in many cases, are able to pay higher rent than their working-class American neighbors, leading landlords and realtors to give preference to immigrants over Americans.

In some cases, landlords have even had American families vacate properties in order to rent them to higher-paying immigrants, and at least 200 properties in Springfield have been removed from a federal housing-voucher program for low-income families in order to profit from immigrants flush with government cash. Michelle Lee-Hall, executive director of Springfield’s housing authority, explained, “Here in Springfield, the new homeless are people who can’t afford to pay $2,000 or $3,000 a month in rent.”

Others are being forced from their homes and neighborhoods not by rising rent prices, but by the sheer chaos caused by the immigrants. One elderly Springfield resident told a commission meeting that she and her husband have been forced to leave their home of nearly 50 years because it has become “so unsafe in my neighborhood.” She explained that immigrant squatters camp on her front lawn, ignore her pleas for them to leave, and litter in her yard and on her street. “I have men that cannot speak English in my front yard screaming at me, throwing mattresses in my front yard, throwing trash in my front yard,” she recounted. The woman asked the mayor and commissioners, “I don’t understand what you expect of us as citizens. I understand they’re here under Temporary Protected Status and you’re protecting them… But who’s protecting us? If we’re protecting them, who’s protecting me?”

Additionally, Springfield residents say that Haitian immigrants are stealing local animals and eating them. In a Springfield neighborhood community group on Facebook, one local related how her friend’s cat had gone missing. “One day, she came home from work, as soon as she stepped out of her car, looked towards a neighbor[’]s house, where Haitians live, & saw her cat hanging from a branch, like you’d do a deer for butchering, & they were carving it up to eat.”

The Springfield resident added, “I’ve been told they are doing this to dogs, they have been doing it at [S]nyder park with the ducks & geese, as I was told that last bit by Rangers & police.” Another resident, Anthony Harris, told a Springfield City Commission meeting that immigrants are “in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them.”




Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Blue City Reportedly Giving Migrants $4,000 Cash Payments, Gift Cards To Move Out Of Shelters

New York City is giving out payments and gift cards to migrants to obtain permanent housing and move out of city-operated shelters, Fox News Digital reported on Saturday.

The NYC Department of Homeless Services (DHS) offered 150 families $4,000 each through the Asylee Moveout Assistance (AMA) program to pay for housing, as well as up to $1,000 in gift cards for necessities and moving expenses, according to Fox News Digital. The AMA program pilot began in December 2023 in partnership with city shelters that housed asylum seekers. 

“The city is using every tool at its disposal to implement innovative and cost-effective solutions to help recently-arrived asylum seekers residing in shelters take the next steps in their journey,” a Department of Social Services (DSS) spokesperson told Fox News Digital. “Since December, DSS has been working with a few not-for-profit providers operating emergency sites to pilot a new effort to reduce barriers to obtaining housing by helping asylum-seeking families who have identified permanent housing with the upfront cost of moving into their new home.”

To be eligible for the payouts, the migrants must be asylum seekers or pregnant women in select DHS shelters who have identified permanent housing, according to Fox News Digital. The $4,000 can cover security deposits, moving expenses, first and last month’s rent and household necessities.

“This is a very small pilot only available to asylum-seeking families in select emergency shelters operated by DHS,” the DSS spokesperson told Fox News Digital. “This is not a citywide effort and not available to migrant families residing across the shelter system,”

Migrants who return to the shelters would not be eligible to receive the payment again, according to Fox News Digital. The funding for the program comes from existing funds within the agency and no city funding is used, the DSS spokesperson told Fox News Digital.

Since the spring of 2022, at least 201,200 migrants have come to New York City, with more than 65,000 in the care of the city, ABC 7 reported in June. New York City has spent $4.6 billion on projects, a city spokesperson told the outlet.




Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mexico Busing ‘CBP One’ Migrants from Guatemalan Border to U.S. Ports of Entry

I recently theorized that the Mexican government may be moving illegal “other than Mexican” (OTM) migrants who had scheduled interviews at U.S. Southwest border ports of entry using the CBP One app through the country. In fact, a recent article in Border Report reveals that the Mexican government is busing those OTM migrants north to the U.S. border — apparently part of a deal struck with the Biden-Harris administration to hide the true scope of illegal immigration to the United States.

The CBP One App Interview Scheme. On January 5, 2023, the White House issued a fact sheet titled “Biden-⁠Harris Administration Announces New Border Enforcement Actions”, which explained:

When Title 42 eventually lifts, noncitizens located in Central and Northern Mexico seeking to enter the United States lawfully through a U.S. port of entry have access to the CBP One mobile application for scheduling an appointment to present themselves for inspection and to initiate a protection claim instead of coming directly to a port of entry to wait. This new feature will significantly reduce wait times and crowds at U.S. ports of entry and allow for safe, orderly, and humane processing.

Many of the “facts” in that “fact sheet” aren’t “factual” per se.

For example, there’s the contention that would-be illegal migrants would only be able to schedule appointments for interviews at the border ports of entry once “Title 42 lifted”, which occurred on May 11, 2023.

In reality, that program had already been ongoing on a limited basis when that announcement was made, as my colleague Todd Bensman reported months earlier, and it was expanded to all would-be migrants just a week after that fact sheet was issued, on January 12.

Moreover, the claim that CBP One app users are “seeking to enter the United States lawfully” is legally and factually untrue. By definition, none of them are seeking lawful entry because they don’t have the documents — visas and passports — needed to be admitted to the United States lawfully.

In any event, CBP currently makes 1,450 CBP One daily interview appointments (529,250 per annum) available to those aliens, and not just for migrants in “Central and Northern Mexico”, anymore.

On August 23, CBP began allowing OTMs “to request and schedule appointments from the Southern Mexico states of Tabasco and Chiapas”. If you’re not familiar with the geographical location of the 31 Mexican states, Tabasco and Chiapas are the two southernmost ones, bordering Guatemala.

As of the end of July, more than 765,000 illegal migrants have made appointments at the ports using CBP One, and congressional disclosures reveal that nearly 96 percent of CBP One migrants have been paroled into the United States — where they will remain indefinitely, if not forever.

There is still a CBP One “dead zone”, however, in the Mexican states immediately north of Tabasco and Chiapas — Oaxaca, Veracruz, and Guererro — before coverage picks up again in Puebla (just south of Mexico City).

All of that raises the question of how OTM migrants who made port appointments using the CBP app after entering Mexico illegally from the Guatemalan side of the border would then transit north to the U.S. Southwest border.

“Mexico Busing Asylum-Seekers to Border Appointments”. I tried to answer that question in an August 19 post discussing CBP’s July border numbers and the then-planned expansion of coverage: “The CBP One app spits out an interview notice migrants can present at the ports, and if I had to make a guess that notice also serves as a de facto transit visa through Mexico”.

It turns out that — as crazy as the Mexican government allowing illegal OTMs to simply traipse through its sovereign territory sounded — I wasn’t going nearly far enough.

The Border Report article I referenced in the first paragraph is captioned “Mexico busing asylum-seekers to border appointments”, and it begins:

The government of Mexico says it will provide safe and free bus rides to asylum-seekers headed to appointments at U.S. ports of entry.

The Ministry of the Interior said a new Emergency Safe Mobility Corridor will focus on ensuring the safety of families who would otherwise be traversing Mexico on their own. Foreign nationals making such a trip often are preyed on by criminals who extort or abuse them, according to migrant advocates and observers in the U.S.

“The objective of the project is to safeguard foreign persons who decide to travel by land to the port of entry where they are expected. Priority will be given to families traveling together,” the ministry and the National Migration Institute (INM) said in a joint communique on Monday.

None of this makes sense, but then the CBP One app expansion to Tabasco and Chiapas doesn’t make much sense either — except as a way for the Biden-Harris administration to hide the actual number of migrants who continue to enter the United States illegally, even as Border Patrol apprehensions have declined in recent months. (This is similar to the “controlled flow” policy in Panama and Costa Rica Bensman wrote about several years ago.)

Start with the fact that if any of those OTMs are truly in need of humanitarian protection, they can — and should — first seek it in Mexico itself.

The United States is not the only country in the world that provides asylum, and in fact Mexico acceded to the 1951 U.N. Refugee Convention — the international instrument governing such protection — more than 24 years ago.




Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Migrants Make Up Roughly 75% Of Arrests In Midtown Manhattan, According To Estimate

Migrants reportedly make up roughly 75% of arrests in Midtown Manhattan and a large bulk of other New York City (NYC) neighborhoods, according to the New York Post.

Illegal migrants and other foreign nationals living in shelters are flooding New York City’s criminal justice system, according to law enforcement sources who spoke anonymously with the Post. These migrants are being arrested for robbery, assault, domestic violence and other crimes across the city. (RELATED: Teen Girl At Baseball Game Randomly Stabbed By Previously Deported Illegal Migrant, Police Allege)

“I would say about 75% of the arrests in Midtown Manhattan are migrants, mostly for robberies, assaults, domestic incidents and selling counterfeit items,” a Midtown officer stated to the Post. The source explained that number is an estimate because “you can’t be 100% sure [they’re migrants] unless you arrest them in a shelter or they’re dumb enough to give you a shelter address.”

Police officers are prohibited from asking about the immigration status of crime victims, witnesses or suspects and therefore the New York Police Department (NYPD) doesn’t track data pertaining to immigration statuses, a law enforcement spokesperson confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation on Tuesday.

Migrants bused from Texas arrive in New York City
NEW YORK, NEW YORK – AUGUST 29: Port Authority police officers wait for the arrival of buses from Texas carrying arrested migrants that have been bused to New York City by Texas on August 29, 2022 at the Port Authority bus station in midtown New York City, New York. (Photo by Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images)

Another law enforcement officer added that the rate of local arrests in Manhattan involving migrants is “easily” 75% when you exclude petty larcenies at drugstores because they prefer more high-end merchandise, according to the Post.

“They can’t be bothered with lower-end stores. They like Lululemon and Sunglass Hut,” the source stated, claiming that migrants are involved in the majority of pickpocketing and chain and phone snatching cases with the NYPD.

Border Patrol agents have encountered more than seven million migrants illegally crossing the southern border since the beginning of the Biden-Harris administration, and hundreds of thousands of other foreign nationals have entered the U.S. through other programs created by the White House. A large number of these migrants have zeroed in on New York City, with city officials saying over 200,000 migrants have arrived since 2022 — costing the city roughly $1.5 billion in 2023 alone.

The sheer volume of migrants flooding the city has been followed by numerous high-profile crimes.

A homeless illegal migrant in Brooklyn was arrested last month for allegedly raping a woman at knifepoint, with the case attracting widespread attention upon the discovery that he had been previously arrested for another rape and released by law enforcement. In other cases involving migrant crime in the the Big Apple, a group allegedly went on a shoplifting spree and beat down an NYPD officer, another illegal migrant allegedly fired at two cops during a foot chase and another illegal migrant allegedly raped a 13-year-old girl at knifepoint.

“New York City eliminated a tool to get rid of violent criminals. What a mess,” Jim Quinn, a veteran former prosecutor at the Queens District Attorney’s Office, stated to the Post.

“The sanctuary city law is pathetic. It’s disgusting. It’s crazy,” Quinn continued.

Mayor Eric Adams has increasingly voiced support for rolling back the city’s sanctuary laws, and a group of moderate members on the NYC Council have put forward legislation to do just that. However, these efforts so far have fallen flat as the bill aiming to undo the sanctuary city laws is expected to go nowhere and a proposed referendum on the laws did not make it on the upcoming November ballot for NYC voters to directly decide.




Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Panama Border Security Chief Says Many U.S.-Bound Terror Suspects Caught in Darien Gap Region

In April 2022, the American public finally heard the sound of national security alarms about the U.S. southern border, when U.S. Customs and Border Protection began publishing, on a monthly basis, the numbers of FBI watch-listed terrorists caught illegally crossing (a record-breaking 378 from FY2021 through July 2024).

But what most Americans do not know is that many more terrorism suspects en route to the U.S. border could be added to that alarming number, except these ones were caught in Panama coming out of the notorious Darien Gap jungle, pulled off the migrant trails, and never accounted for in CBP’s public data reports.

New official information about these additional terrorism suspects interrupted on their way to the American border comes by way of an exclusive Center for Immigration Studies interview with the chief of Panama’s National Border Service (SENAFRONT), Director General Jorge Gobea, at agency headquarters just off the Panama Canal.

Asked to comment about SENAFRONT’s reported August arrest of three Afghan terror suspects whose biometrics were taken and checked at a Darien Province immigrant reception station (described in the SENAFRONT tweet below), Gobea responded that the report was “not fake”.

“We did take and profile a few members of a terrorist cell from … Afghanistan,” he said. “We linked and we profiled them to be members of an active cell. They were members of a Salafist group, and they had links with different activities.”

But then Gobea added that this was far from a one-off.

“We have many stories of that. We don’t just have one. We have many stories of that, from Somalia, from Yemen … from Syria, from Africa.”

Gobea would not put a number on the “many stories”.

But for all those good-news stories of short-circuited U.S. border-crossings by known terrorist suspects, he also suggested that the record-breaking flood hundreds of thousands of migrants a year from 150-plus nations that began pouring through the Darien Gap from Colombia in 2021 has severely hampered the very counterterrorism screening programs that catch them and get them off the trails early.

”3 Percent in This Moment” — The Broken Counterterrorism Dam. I knew exactly what Gobea was talking about. Following a previous trip to Panama in 2018, I produced reporting about those counterterrorism programs. This was several years before the historic mass migration event that the Biden-Harris administration would unleash starting in 2021. (See 2019 video below.)

Since 2011, SENAFRONT has worked closely with in-country FBI and DHS agents on counterterrorism programs that use U.S.-provided equipment to collect migrant biometrics like fingerprints and photos and run them through terrorism databases looking for positive hits before the foreign nationals move on north.

But SENAFRONT’s director general indicated that so many began coming through the gap during the historic mass migration to the U.S. border that Central American authorities are scarcely able to screen even a fraction of them.

“Maybe at this moment … we can check like 3 percent and, in the worst moment, 1 percent,” Gobea told me. “We don’t have the capability to screen everybody.”

So many are coming that agents on the ground are left to “profile” immigrants for priority collection and checks, probably meaning if they are young men from Muslim-majority nations. But eyeballing always eludes perfection.

”Throughout the Years, We Were Catching a Lot … Hundreds.” This profound reduction in coverage to 1 percent or 3 percent in Panama stands in contrast with a 90-percent rate of screening immigrants in the country when the program started in 2011, when flows were usually well under 10,000 per year.

This is according to Edward Dolan, a former Homeland Security Investigations agent who worked deeply with these programs while later serving as DHS’s Regional Attache for Central America in the U.S. embassy in Panama City. Dolan retired from service in 2019 but still lives and works in Panama, where I met with him in a coffee shop.

“Throughout the years, we were catching a lot” of watch-listed terrorists, Dolan told me. “From like 2015 to 2019, it was hundreds.”

But checking the 550,000 immigrants that crossed in just 2023 and almost 250,000 so far in 2024?

“That’s insurmountable,” Dolan said. “I can’t imagine trying to manage what they have now.”

Dolan said those low screening rates in Panama help explain the record-high number of terror suspects getting caught and counted illegally crossing the U.S. border.

“All you have to do is look at what’s being reported at the southwest border and then go back and look at the numbers in 2019 [zero] and 2020 [three],” Dolan said. “That tells the story itself.”

Delayed Counterterrorism Responses from Colombia to Texas. So many are coming in through the Darien Gap, Gobea confirmed, that “active terrorist” migrants are sometimes mistakenly freed to proceed to countries north before biometric information submitted in Panama produces a positive hit.

A red flag goes out then, of course, and with a little luck, “they take them from the migrant flow”, Gobea explained, for interviews with American and local agents, the eventual deportation to “their official port of entry. Maybe it’s in Africa. Maybe it’s Bosnia. We return them to their previous position.”

Clearly, however, many are too long gone and don’t get caught until they hit the American border, if ever. On August 5, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee issued an interim report revealing that since January 2021, CPB released into the United States “at least” 99 border-crossing immigrants who were on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist database.

The entire multinational counterterrorism net now stands reduced in capability, and the bad guys know it, Dolan said.

“If you’re a terrorist,” he said. “this is how you’re going to come to the United States.”




Monday, September 2, 2024

Biden admin restarts "legal" immigration program

The Biden administration is restarting an immigration program that allows migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to come to the United States, and it is including “additional vetting” of their U.S.-based financial sponsors following fraud concerns.

The Department of Homeland Security had suspended the program earlier this month to investigate the concerns but indicated that an internal review found no widespread fraud among sponsors.

“Together with our existing rigorous vetting of potential beneficiaries seeking to travel to the United States, these new procedures for supporters have strengthened the integrity of these processes and will help protect against exploitation of beneficiaries,” the agency said.

The program launched in January 2023 and is a major piece of the Biden administration’s immigration policies that create or expand pathways for legal entry while restricting asylum for those who cross the border illegally.

The policy is aimed at countries that send large numbers of people to the United States and generally refuse to accept those who are deported. It is paired with commitments from Mexico to take back people from those countries who cross the U.S. border illegally.

Under the program, the U.S. accepts up to 30,000 people a month from the four countries for two years and offers eligibility for work authorization. To qualify, migrants must have a financial sponsor in the U.S. who vouches for them and fly into an American airport at their own expense, rather than crossing at the southern border. Those acting as sponsors and the migrants hoping to come to America undergo vetting by Homeland Security.

Republicans have repeatedly criticized the program as an end-run around immigration laws. They immediately attacked the administration when the program was suspended early this month, pointing to it as further validation of their concerns about whether migrants were properly vetted. And they criticized the decision announced Thursday to restart.

“Instead of scrapping the clearly flawed program, the department is allowing it to continue without rooting out the fraud or putting adequate safeguards in place to prevent exploitation by sponsors here in the United States. But fundamentally, there would be no fraud to prevent if DHS simply stopped importing 30,000 inadmissible aliens every month in the first place,” said Republican Rep. Mark Green, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee.

The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement Thursday that the additional vetting would include more scrutiny of the financial records that U.S.-based sponsors are required to submit as well as their criminal backgrounds. Sponsors will be required to submit fingerprints, and the agency will bolster steps to identify sponsors who are fraudulent and when one files numerous applications.

DHS said an internal review found some cases of fraud, such as sponsors using fake Social Security numbers, but that the majority of cases it investigated had a reasonable explanation, such as a typo when a sponsor was submitting information online


