Monday, September 16, 2024

Springfield’s Immigrant Crisis Spreads to Nearby Town, Courtesy of Biden-Harris

Over the past three years, the Biden-Harris administration has imported roughly 20,000 Haitian immigrants in the small Ohio city of Springfield. Now, a nearby community is also suffering the effects of the immigration influx. Tremont City, a village outside Springfield with a population of less than 400, has been impacted by the reckless driving of mass-imported Haitian immigrants.

Tremont City Council president Tony Flood recently told Blaze Media that he and others have urged Springfield to do more to prevent traffic accidents caused by the immigrants. “The city refuses to do that. This is spilling out. They do illegal U-turns all up and down the road. I don’t know how many times I’ve about got hit pulling out of the lot myself,” Flood reported. He explained that immigrants halted for unsafe driving are towed “because you’re not allowed to let an unlicensed driver drive the car, or the village is liable if they get in a wreck.”

Flood’s son, Tony Flood II, the mayor of Tremont City, said that he’s “scared to death” of his wife and daughter being killed by an immigrant while driving in Springfield. “Any day you get in a car, it’s a risk. But now it’s even worse, especially if you head that way,” the younger Flood said. “Honestly, it pisses me off that we’ve allowed it to hit this point.”

Tremont City Police Chief Chad Duncan urged Springfield to begin towing immigrants, as Tremont City does, in order to mitigate the reckless driving. “The accidents we’re having around here can be prevented if everybody would get on the same page, all law enforcement, and start towing these vehicles. I know it seems like we’re singling people out, but we do it the same no matter what race, nationality, creed, doesn’t matter,” Duncan said.

Last year, a Haitian immigrant named Hermanio Joseph, driving on a Mexican driver’s license, crashed into a school bus, injuring 20 children and killing 11-year-old Aiden Clark. Tremont City resident Mark Sanders said that his daughter saw the accident from another school bus and was traumatized by the sight. Ever since then, Sanders has been driving his daughter’s school bus. “There are things that can be prevented. That guy should not have been in the country. He shouldn’t have been driving. He was working for a company, local, that was actually supplied to them,” Sanders said.

Author and podcast host C. Jay Engel noted that McGregor Metal, a Springfield manufacturing company, had been financially failing for years, but restructured and wound up with a $10 million expansion, which is being staffed by Haitian immigrants. “And who do they hire for this new expansion?” Engel asked. “They hire from among the 20,000 Haitians in the recent third-world drop. They completely bypass Ohioans, refuse to invest in them, to uplift their community. They hire from among the invaders.”

In Tuesday night’s presidential debate, former President Donald Trump noted the stories of immigrants in Springfield and the surrounding area stealing and eating locals’ pets and eating ducks and geese from the park. ABC News moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis tried to “fact check” Trump, but numerous reports from Springfield residents — including a police report obtained by The Federalist — suggest that immigrants have been taking locals’ cats and dogs and eating them, as well as taking and decapitating ducks and geese in parks and neighborhoods.

After the debate, CNN asked Trump’s running mate, Ohio Senator J.D. Vance (R), about the reports. Vance replied, “We’ve heard from a number of constituents on the ground … who, both firsthand and secondhand reports, saying this stuff is happening. So they very clearly, the people on the ground dealing with this, think that it is happening.” The Ohio native continued, “This town has been ravaged by 20,000 migrants coming in. Health care costs are up, housing costs are up, communicable diseases like HIV and TB have skyrocketed in this small Ohio town. This is what Kamala Harris’s border policies have done.” Referring to increasingly popular memes depicting Trump rescuing cats and ducks, Vance added, “The media didn’t care [about] the carnage wrought in these communities until we turned it into a meme about cats.”




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