Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Australia: Workers call on home affairs boss to fix mismanaged border force unit

The Community and Public Sector Union has requested Home Affairs secretary Stephanie Foster intervene in the Australian Border Force’s mismanagement of the National Marine Unit.

On Monday, this masthead revealed a man who helped 39 asylum seekers reach the mainland in February was deported without charge.

The joint media investigation also revealed long-running issues with Border Force’s Cape-class patrol fleet. One vessel, the Cape York, caught on fire and was out of action at the same time as the Indonesian people smuggler’s boatload reached the West Australian shore.

National secretary of the CPSU Melissa Donnelly said the union has repeatedly raised workplace health and safety issues with the Australian Border Force which has been repeatedly ignored:

The media investigation into the Marine Unit shone a light on our union’s uphill battle with border force in our mission to make our members safe at work,” she said.

The CPSU should immediately be permitted to participate in the Marine Workplace Health and Safety Committee, which we have so far been denied access to.

I have written to the Secretary of the Department of Home Affairs, requesting she step in and protect our members.

I have outlined in that letter, issues including workplace health and safety, the proliferation of outsourcing and a lack of workforce planning.

On matters of outsourcing and workplace health and safety, there is no doubt in my mind that the introduction of a profit motive into the maintenance of Cape Class vessels has compromised these vessels and the safety of the mariners aboard them.”



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